headache health

headache to the golf

golf course
sante au quotidien wOhlbehagen bIenenestar
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Intracranial, painful, long or diffuse headache opposed to the cephalalgy ( short and fast pain), and to face neuralgies which are extracranial
lThe group of "algies of the face".
Remedy You will select the Point of acupressure to eliminate the headache
tong li 5H.T
kun kun 60BL.
jing ming 1BL.
da zhu 11BL.
feng chi 20G.B.
zan zhu 2BL.
feng men 12BL.
shen men 7H.T
qiu xu 40G.B.
jie xi 41ST
bai hui 20D.M.
feng long 40ST
da zhui 14D.M
ting hui 2G.B.
xia wan 10R.M.
tai xi 3Ki.
ya men 15D.M.
xing jian 2Lv.
lie que 7LU
he gu 4L.I.
hou xi 3S.I.
wai guan 5T.H.
zhong wan 12R.M.
tai chong 3Lv.
zhong zhu 3T.H.
zhi gou 6T.H.
shao ze 1S.I.
These manual recipes are simple and quick to practise.
Work yourself the points of acupressure to eliminate the headache to the golf.
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